Training Opportunities

What are the requirements to train as Peer Recovery Support Specialist in the State of Texas
To become a Peer Recovery Coach, you must be age 18 or older, have a high school diploma or GED, and have lived experience with substance use. It is also important that you are comfortable with publicly identifying as a person in recovery, and that you have a desire to help others with their recovery.

Click here to learn more.

How to Become RSPS Certified
To become a certified Recovery Support Peer Specialist (RSPS) in the State of Texas, you must meet the minimum education, age and residency requirements, verify your education and training and complete a background check to qualify for the Initial 6- month RSPS Certification. This certification is good for 6-months until the field experience and supervision hours are completed.

The Full RSPS Certification requires completion of 250 hours of work/field experience (volunteer or paid) with supervision by a Peer Support Supervisor. The certification is valid for two years.

There is a fee for both certificates and for the background check.

Click here to learn more about certification

Click here to ask questions via email about the PLA Volunteer RSPS Internship Program