Become a Volunteer

The Volunteer Program is the cornerstone of our organization, and we consider volunteers to be the heart and soul of Communities for Recovery.  Our goal is to empower individuals who are looking for ways to give back to the recovery community by sharing their experiences, strengths and knowledge with others who are seeking recovery support. 

“Becoming a volunteer has been a life changing experience. Every moment, every day, every month brings something new in my recovery journey. Looking back, I am a new man “ – CforR Volunteer

Come, join us, and be a part of our Volunteer Community. We provide opportunities for volunteers to participate in community outreach, fundraising, social events, group facilitation, workshops and trainings. We encourage volunteers to bring their passions, share their ideas, and let us help them find ways to apply these gifts through volunteering.  

“From the moment I walked through the doors of CforR, I was greeted with a warm welcome and an instant feeling that I belonged. I quickly realized that I wanted to become more involved with this organization that had been so kind and gracious in making me feel right at home.”  – CforR Volunteer 

If you want to volunteer or if you are just curious about our volunteer program, please contact  or

Visit our Volunteer Spotlight | A Calling to Help Others – Arza Demi