Volunteer Program


Volunteer Program

The Volunteer Program is at the heart of what we do. Communities for Recovery, originally called Volunteers at the Creek, was started by our founder J. Scott Thornton so that people in recovery could have opportunities to give back to their community. Today, we have volunteers leading support groups and meetings at our community center and out in the community. They also serve people in early recovery as Peer Recovery Mentors, and help our staff organize successful events and fundraisers, do outreach at community events, and much more.

In 2017 the C4R Volunteer Program provided volunteers for:

63 support groups

16 wellness groups

1,920 group hours

16 events

7 trained mentors

19,333 support encounters

Over a dozen partner organizations

Many, many activities at our recovery support center

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer with C4R fill out a volunteer application. You may drop it off at the front desk or send it to one of our volunteer staff, Kate Youman, kyouman@cforr.org, or Arza Demi, arza.demi@cforr.org.

 Click here to download an application.

Volunteer Calendar